What should I do to become a wholesale account?
We offer our products on a wholesale basis to qualifying businesses. Please read below carefully in order to register as a trade account.
Register on our website as a customer.
Scan and email your valid state sales tax form at websales@gourmet212.com lease indicate your EIN number you will be purchasing products from.
You will receive an email from us within 3 days indicating that you are set-up as a trade account. You can then sign-in to your account to see wholesale prices. Please note that you will have wholesale pricing only for the 3 categories you select.
Important Information:
International customers are NOT eligible for free shipping. For large international orders, please contact websales@gourmet212.com for a discount request.
Wholesale accounts are not eligible for any retail promotional deals, including, but not limited to, free shipping and item discounts.
There is a $2000 minimum purchase requirement for wholesale accounts.
Shipping charges will be added during checkout.
Rates, terms and conditions are subject to change without notice.