Deep fried artichokes are the oil-processed version of artichoke, a perennial herbaceous plant belonging to the Daisyaceae family. Most cultivated around the Mediterranean and Southern Europe, the artichoke has purple and blue flowers and can be included in fry varieties by shedding the flower and peeling off the skin during the development stage. Artichokes with an upright body, hard structure, stemless leaves, and oval shape are made ready as frying after certain stages. Deep fried artichokes, which are a vegetable rich in vitamins and minerals, provide the body with the nutrients it needs when done correctly. The fried artichoke recipe in question is made plain or with various sauces. This fried artichoke recipe is very delicious.
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When are Artichokes in Season?
Deep fried artichokes are supported by specialist doctors with their high antioxidant capacity. Artichoke, which plays a role in solving health problems such as gout, anemia, rheumatism, and indigestion, takes its place on the counter with the spring months. It is recommended to eat the artichoke, which is right to be consumed in April and May. So you can wait these months to make the fried artichoke recipe.
How to Clean Artichokes for Frying
It is very important to wash and clean the artichoke fries thoroughly before starting to make the fried artichoke recipe. For this reason, it is necessary to pay attention to some details in order to clean the artichoke in terms of health. To clean the artichoke, you must first wash the artichoke thoroughly in cold water. It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that the water gets between all the leaves. Because if there are germs or bacteria between the leaves during the peeling stage, these bacteria can contaminate the entire artichoke. You can even leave the artichoke in water for a while if possible. So you can be sure that all leaves are completely cleaned.
How Hot Should Oil Be for Frying?
The amount of oil you will use while doing deep fried artichokes is very important. The artichokes that you fry with a little oil in the pot may burn. Also, put the artichokes that you will fry into the hot oil. Never put the artichokes in the pan before the oil is hot. Otherwise, the artichoke absorbs all the oil. When adjusting the frying oil, try to cook in a short time on a fire that is not too high. To understand the temperature of the frying oil, you can try it by throwing an artichoke into it. In this way, you can understand the temperature of all the artichokes without throwing them away. If the artichoke you add to the oil goes to the bottom of the pan, it means that your oil is not heated. If the artichokes left on the pan start to brown or stay on the pan, your oil is close to the temperature you expect.
What is The Best Oil for Frying?
Contrary to popular belief, olive oil is also the most suitable oil for a fried artichoke recipe. Its combustion temperature is higher than other oils. It is about 210 degrees. Using olive oil while doing deep fried artichokes is much healthier and more beneficial than using canola or sunflower oil, according to a study. In particular, the more acidic level of olive oil increases, the more durable it becomes. Extra virgin olive oil leaves an olive oil smell when fried.
How to Store Them
You can use artichoke bottoms canned for the fried artichoke recipe. You can also put the artichokes bought in the season in water with lemon so that they do not turn black after cleaning. To store in the deep freezer, the artichokes, whole or chopped, are directly or shocked for 2 minutes. To make shocking, water is poured into a large saucepan, a little lemon salt is added and boiled so that the artichokes do not darken. The artichokes are taken into a strainer and immersed in boiling water, left for 2 minutes, and at the end of the time, they are kept under cold water directly from the tap and left to drain. Then they are put in bags for one use and without water, as you need. The air is removed so that there is no air in the bags, the mouth is tightly tied and the packaging date is written on it, and they are taken to the deep freezer. In the middle of winter, don't miss out on delicious meat artichokes, artichoke soup, artichokes with olive oil.
Artichoke is a plant that grows in temperate regions, usually in spring, and should not be missed by individuals who take care of a healthy diet thanks to its low calorie content. The following ingredients are needed to do fried artichoke recipe, which is made in various ways:
- 2 lemons cut in half
- 4 large artichokes
- 6 cups olive or vegetable oil
To make deep fried artichokes first, fill a large bowl with cold water and squeeze the juice of two and a half lemons into the bowl. Keep the stems connected and cut off the top of the artichoke with a serrated knife on the other end. Bend the outer leaves back until they snap off near the base, then discard a few more layers of leaves in the same way until you reach a pale yellow leaf with a pale green tip. Use a paring knife to trim the dark green fiber parts from the bottom and sides of the artichoke, then use the remaining half of the lemon to cut the surface. Another step in making deep fried artichokes is to cut off the light green top of the artichoke and then cut the artichoke lengthwise into 6 wedges. Cut out purple leaves and blurry suffocation. Rub the sliced artichokes with the remaining half of the lemon, then prune the remaining artichokes in the same way. Drain the artichokes with a paper towel, then pat dry. To make deep fried artichokes, heat oil in a 4-quart deep heavy saucepan over medium heat. Then simmer the artichokes in the oil, about 15 minutes stirring occasionally, until soft. Continue to heat the oil on medium heat until the thermometer reads 375°F, then fry the artichokes in 4 batches until the leaves are curled, yellowed, and brittle, 30 to 40 seconds. For the last step of the fried artichoke recipe drain on paper towels and season with salt.